2013年5月11日 星期六

大卷伸嗣台灣首度個展即將展開 Shinji Ohmaki solo debut opens in June


熱愛「造型的感覺」是學生時期的大卷選擇雕塑主修的原因,從他的作品之中屢屢可見對於「造型」與藝術的營造揉合與獨特詮釋,除了在造型本質上不斷的進化與擴大發展外,其承載的語彙與內涵亦隨著細微空間的變化而流轉,讓人的感知、空間的氣相互交疊,看似模糊中又帶著明確的概念,述說著作品造型外未完的樂章。2003年的作品「臨界之氣」(Liminal Air),即是將「內」與「外」、「身」與「心」、「生」與「死」這些彼此相反的概念,透過大卷自身的感知表達出來的大型裝置作品,得以被放大檢視,這些概念佔據著一定的空間,有無形卻確定的邊界但是又是如此曖昧,無法界定,我們稱之為「氣」,它們相互交疊與影響。

Liminal Air Space-Time

2007年大卷為金澤21世紀美術館而製作的“Liminal Air descend--‐2007,把「邊界」被放在了一個特別的玻璃空間中,形成一個完全暴露的截面,進一步突出了內部空間與外部空間的互通性,通過「內」與「外」之間的邊界,以更加直觀的方式表現出「主」與「客」之間的關係,刻意利用視覺區分空間彰顯存在感,輔以柔和的光線填充整個空間,讓作品與「氣」融為一體。這次在安卓展覽中,大卷將延伸這樣的概念,使用薄如蠶絲的布料分野展場,創造出中介的穿梭空間,動靜之間帶領人們去思索造型之上的意義。

We are so glad to announce a giant exhibition with Shinji OHMAKI coming up in next month! This is the first official solo exhibition of him in Taipei, Taiwan. Different to past projects he has done in Taiwan, this exhibition is conceptually developed in perspective of appointed spaces and core idea of his art. The show will opens at two venues in the city, each features multiple selections of works, including notable ’’Echoes-Crystallization ’’and “Echoes-Infinity”. He will also blend these series with Taiwan local material and culture elements.

Born 1971, Shinji OHMAKI is considered one of the great contemporary artists and specializes dealing with themes of philosophy and nature. By means of exploring time, space, and memory, OHMAKI creates his style of viewing and interaction with so-called artwork and transfers the visual experience to the viewer. His passion to “form” determined him to have the lifetime career as an installation artist. We can see a lot of traces of “forms” in his works and how he’s trying to redefine “form”. The form of his art has been revolved and carried numerous ideas of his interpretation on different objects and issues. The most interesting part of his art is the invisible contrast, which reveals a lot in works entitled “liminal air.

As if he is actually building a space, blurring the boundary at the same time. “Liminal air”is a very special dimension where is nearly neutral and beyond all regularities. The concept and characteristic of air is actualized in this series and further, OHMAKI illustrates the inner meaning and reversing the role of “subject ” and “object” by visually overlapping the spaces with intricate control of material and lights. In this exhibition, the new implementation of liminal air will also be on view in Mind Set Art Center, as a divider separating the space into two section, an interface allowing people to move in the time stream and a dimension of contemplation.

