2011年3月2日 星期三

玩美 Fabulous Life with Art


展覽藝術家包含國際知名錄像藝術大師比爾.維爾拉(Bill Viola)、成功將藝術與時尚、商業結合的明星村上隆(Takashi Murakami)、印度藝術家瓦雷.湘堤(Valay Shende)、古巴裔西班牙籍藝術家荷黑.瑪葉(Jorge Mayet)、日本藝術家志村信裕(Shimura Nobuhiro)、泰國藝術家蒙翠(Montri Toemsombat)和四位優秀的台灣藝術家卜茲、王福瑞、黨若洪、吳東龍。作品涵蓋書法、繪畫、攝影、裝置、投影、聲音裝置、錄影等多種橫跨傳統與現代的類型。

Life×Art=Fabulous Life with Art
Living in the art and creating a fabulous life with art

The exhibition, Fabulous Life with Art, presented by Fabulous Group and Sinyi Realty is curated by MSAC, aims to integrate art into daily life and living environment. This exhibition creates a unique collaboration mode between domestic enterprises and art groups that experiments art in our normal living space and produces a dialogue between architecture, human, and art. The combination is successfully transforming the beauty of natural landscape to the loveliness of art. The exhibition is also a significant landmark of the real estate industry to present a major art show involving artists from Europe to Asian and local Taiwanese artists. We believe these ten outstanding art pieces will lead you to enter an art wonderland!

Artists in the exhibition are including international video art master, Bill Viola, Takashi Murakami and Shimura Nobuhiro, India artist Valay Shende, Jorge Mayet, Montri Toemsombat, and four excellent Taiwanese artists, Bo Zi, Fujui Wang, Tang, Jo – Hung, and Wu Tung Lung. The exhibits vary from calligraphy, painting, photography, installation, sound installation, projection, and video.





