2012年7月15日 星期日

我們嘗試耕耘一種不同的產業文化-寫在安卓藝術兩周年 Strive for nurturing a different industry culture-Special article for MSAC’s 2nd anniversary

文/李政勇 Andre Lee

It has already been 2 years from our opening show, Zhou Yilun solo in Neihu to current Pavilion Garden: Shi Jin Song in Xinsheng 16 conception space. From a bold movement of recommending a 27 year-old young artist to a systematic deployment of works by a mature 43 year-old artist, what we always do is to search artist and exhibition worthy of the name among the Asian contemporary art market.

Many people are curious about our functional transformation. Are we really becoming a gallery instead of an art consulting agency? I think, I should put it this way; MSAC has expanded to a full service art platform with a solid exhibition space since we moved to Xinsheng 16 conception space last October. Meanwhile, we still provide consulting service for our clients but then exhibition execution has also become our regular job. In other words, MSAC has undergone a transformation from the art consulting agency collaborating with only collectors to a visionary art platform slanted on altogether development with artists, collectors, and our team members.   



Establish alternative market by deeply interacting with collectors

Art education is always our main mission from the outset. We design suitable curriculums for all art lovers and collectors to improve knowledge and taste, creating an interactive platform to learn and communicate. We believe only consistent nurture and education could establish a fine and alternative market fits collectors’ needs.



Work closely with artist and provide brand-new management service

When MSAC stepped over our first year, we decided to manage Shi Jin-Hua as our first contract artist. Although it was indeed against our original intention, we must take the move to fulfill comprehensive art management and consulting service. We want to build the dream with both artists and collectors. MSAC never trade artist’s works and contracts with a fixed amount of money. Alternatively, we are inclined to project a long-term cooperation strategy through discussion and professional judgments. Ultimately, we will develop an organic and stable environment for artists to work and live a happy and carefree life.

MSAC is still very young. We are more than happy that we have been collaborating with many great middle-generation Asian artists and trusted by many spectacular local collectors who are willing to grow with us. We firmly believe only with an open mind and continuous learning could keep us moving forward in the essence of art.  

