2011年10月1日 星期六


Yee I-Lann: Fluid World
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馬來西亞女性藝術家伊蓮(Yee I-Lann),其創作透過一種詩意的文化影像探討政治結構裡的社會整體與單一個體、東南亞群島的文化鏈接與衝突,馬來西亞人的共同記憶等議題。伊蓮在台北的首次個展「流動的世界」(Fluid World),將呈現藝術家近年對於文化、社會、經濟的一系列反思,與同樣深受殖民文化影響且地屬海島的台灣,進行一次深刻地文化互動與交流。

Malaysian artist Yee I-Lann has gained recognition both locally and internationally for her distinctive work. She tells stories by her art which is also an exploration of Malaysia socio-political-economic structure, the cultural nexus of Southeast Asia archipelago and also the Malaysia’s communal memory. “Fluid World”, as her first solo show in Taipei, Taiwan, will present a series of works as her recent deliberation of culture, society, and economics issues. It is more than remarkable to Taiwan for being in the same place where is also in the seas and has been influenced by colonial culture.

